Managing Salmon & Trout Fishing on the Faughan

River Faughan Anglers Ltd is a not for profit organisation which works to protect the Environment and control and develop angling on the River Faughan and its tributaries.
We are committed to maintaining the fishery and protecting the unique natural heritage of the catchment. Not only do we willingly accept responsibility for protecting this unique resource in the "here and now", but River Faughan Anglers also accept responsibility for its bequest in terms of local heritage and environment, too future generations.
We urge anglers and other users of the countryside to be alert to any potential dangers to the environment and to report all pollution incidents, and indeed any incidents of poaching or illegal fishing. We are the custodians of the river and take this responsibility seriously, and we expect all anglers to behave in a responsible way at all times, in terms of their sport, and in terms of the environment.
The River Faughan Anglers Ltd manages the fishing of Salmon and Trout on the tidal and inland freshwaters of the River Faughan and its tributaries.
Situated within easy reach of the historic City of Derry/Londonderry anglers may pursue their fishing amid some of the most beautiful scenery in Ireland. The Faughan rises on the Eastern slopes of Sawel mountain, the highest peak of the Sperrins, flowing some 20 odd miles from its source, Poll an Iolair (The Eagle's Pool) to Lough Foyle.
The Faughan is a medium sized spate river, in its upper reaches it is fast flowing, with streams, gravel fords and pools the predominant features. As it descends the river slows as it passes through agricultural land, until it reaches Campsie, where there is a large dam, which is used to extract water for the nearby water treatment works. This dam known locally as "The Gates" slows the flow right down, and provides sufficient depth to hold large numbers of fish throughout the year.
Below the impoundment the river is tidal and relatively shallow until Campsie Bridge above which there is deeper holding water, and from the bridge downstream the river features a series of deep bends and flats all of which are capable of holding salmon and trout.
Anglers should be in possession of a valid Foyle Area licence and a Faughan ticket / permit whilst fishing.
Fishing Rights / Permission to Fish
As well as issuing season permits, we offer both single day, 3 day and 7 day / weekly permits to visiting anglers

Maintain Access to River
Access to the river for the Anglers and others, is an ongoing challenge, with replacement of styles, foot bridges, pathways and road side layby's
Environmental Protection
We work tirelessly to ensure that "our river" is not falling foul of over development, or exploitation.
Promote Local Fishing Industry
From Tackle Shops, Fly Tiers and Tackle Makers. The Industry of fishing takes many forms. We like to promote our local industry.

Fishery Protection
We work in partnership with the Loughs Agency, who work around the clock to ensure the fishery is protected from Illegal fishing and poaching

River Enhancement Projects
Over the years we have been responsible for a number of river enhancement projects, ranging from litter pick ups, tree clearing right through to the provision of instream groynes and other structures to promote, salmonids to thrive in our river

The River Faughan rises in the Northern Sperrins and from its source it then makes its way west passing Claudy and Ballyartan. When the River Faughan reaches Drumahoe it turns north west and moves from a rural country landscape into a more urban setting for a couple of miles. It then returns to flowing through rural countryside once again passing by Campsie before emptying into Lough Foyle about 3 miles north of Londonderry.
First and foremost the Faughan is a medium sized spate river.
Fishing Opens on 1st April and closes on 20th October
Salmon run the Fughan all year round, however it's on the first spate of early June, that numbers really start to arrive. These early fish normally move quickly on, up and through the river once they have managed to pass Campsie Dam "The Gates".
The quality of the fishing on the River Faughan is wholly dependant on the size of the spates and then the best of the fishing is to be found at Campsie, Ardlough, Drumahoe, Ardmore, Brackfield and Claudy. The river can be fished right up to Killycor Bridge, but expect the fish in this area to be well coloured up and in the system for some time.
The River Faughan is also the most prolific Sea Trout River in the Foyle system. Sea trout begin to show in the estuary around June and make their way quickly upstream. The sea trout run peaks towards end July
Bait Fishing
Bait fishing on the Faughan, is limited to worms. Normally fished on a simple ledger outfit, with a swivel /weight some 2 ft from the hook.
Note - shrimp, prawn, maggots, live or dead bait are prohibited.
Float fishing of any form is also prohibited

Fly Fishing
Most of the river can be fished with a single hand fly rod of 10ft
However due to some high tree lined banks and in 'good water' conditions the flow can be quite strong, some anglers prefer a switch rod or a small doublehander 11ft - 13ft rated 7 -9.
For Seatrout fishing a single hand rod of 9-11ft rated 6-8 is the normal choice

We actively promote catch and release, of all fishes caught on the river, however in line with
Loughs Agency Rules and Regulations
The Faughan has a daily catch limit of 1 Salmonid from 1st April until 31st May
Thereafter there is a 2 fish limit for both Salmon and Sea trout until 20th October
All Anglers must be in possession of a Faughan ticket / permit and a Loughs Agency License, to legally fish on the river.
Loughs Agency E-License
All information about season permits including price and how to apply
There a re a number of local tackle shops, all of which offer a range of tackle, worms and advice
Our river and banking host a wide variety of wildlife. Amongst them are other protected species.
Our catch statistic fro the past 5 years, for Salmon and Seatrout.
Make you catch return online
Our rivers ecosystem, is fragile and constantly under threat from invasive species. Be it plants on the river bank or parasites or other foreign invaders in the water.
More fish in our river than you think, here we look at what you can expect to find lurking in the pools and streams, throughout the system.
Water / Weather / Tide
Some of the local commercial fly tiers, are world renowned. Producing traditional local patterns, as well as more modern creations.
From ancient Oak woods, to Bluebell meadows, the Flora and Fauna along the River Faughan Valley is varied natural resource.
All Enquires to faughananglers@btconnect.com