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Fishing Rules & Regulations on the Faughan

These Rules and regulations should be read in conjunction with the fishing laws, bylaws and Regulations governing the Foyle Area as set out by the Lough Agency. 
These are not intended to be a strict interpretation of the laws governing fishing but are offered as a guideline for the management of the River Faughan and the peaceful enjoyment of angling on the river
Any ticket/permit holder infringing the below rules and regulations or convicted of illegal fishing or of any offence under the Fisheries Acts shall forfeit the ticket / permit immediately. The permission granted to fish shall cease and determine without having any claim for refund of ticket money.
All tickets/ Permit are issued subject to observance by the holder of the fishing regulations and bylaws of the Foyle Area System as determined by the Loughs Agency
The River Faughan Anglers Ltd. are not obliged to grant tickets to all applicants.
The River Faughan Anglers Ltd. reserve the right to alter the foregoing rules without prior notice and without cause shown.

Fishing Season commences on the 1st April and runs until the 20th October inclusive.

In an attempt to preserve the kelts and smolts,  Bait fishing (fishing with worms) will be restricted until 20th May.  
Meaning that from 1st April until 20th May fishing shall on be by Fly or Spinner only.

For Season Permit holders fishing commences at 00:01 on the 1st April and ends at 23:59 on the 20th October

For DAY TICKET holders fishing commences at 06:00 (6am) or “First Light” whichever is the latter and continues to 20:00 (8pm) or ‘Dusk’ whichever is the earlier, on the date specified on the ticket.
Anglers are expected to be in possession of a current Foyle Area License or endorsement and gill tags and must not fish in the River Faughan without a valid ticket /permit issued by the company.
Both license and permit MUST be produced on demand by any Police Officer, Bailiff, River Watcher or other authorised person.
Anglers are also encouraged to request sight of a permit from any person unknown to them and fishing in their vicinity. Their own permit must be produced and shown at the time to the person requested for his / her permit. Should the person not be in possession of a permit or refuses to show it he / she should be asked to leave the river and be reported to the bailiff and the company. Such person may be prosecuted for trespass.

In accordance with current Loughs Agency Catch limits, a daily bag limit of 1 Salmon or Sea trout over 40cm applies from opening day until 31st May, and must be tagged with a blue gill tag if killed.
From 1st of June until end of season and daily bag limit of 4 Salmonoids applies, of which a maximum 2 Salmon or Sea Trout over 40cm applies which must be tagged with black gill tags if killed

Accurate catch returns must be made by email to the company, for day tickets / permits this must be done within 24hrs of the last day of your fishing. Details will be on the ticket / Permit.

For Season Permit holders, returns must be made but 30th November. 

Late or non returns will mean continued membership is void and the individual will have to reapply when renewing for the next season.
Failure to make a return will be deemed a breach of company rules and may rule against any further applications. 

Holders of the previous seasons permit, MUST renew their permit for the coming season, by the last day of March. 

Failure to do this will result in their membership being void and they will have to reapply for the coming season.

The company lease the fishing rights of the River Faughan and its tributaries and have trespass / access rights attaching to these.
The access through Landowners property is by traditional or agreed paths / stiles / gates etc. and anglers should use these where designated or known. It is your responsibility to use only the approved access places.
Gates must be kept closed at all times.
Crops should not be trampled or damaged. Avoid walking through the middle of such a field, Keep to the edges.
Fences should not be damaged and stiles must be used where provided.
Digging for worms on or near the river bank and adjacent fields is prohibited.
Dogs are not permitted on the river bank.
All litter must be removed and waste nylon must be destroyed in a safe and tidy manner.
Due consideration must be given to the landowners rights and if asked you are required to produce a valid permit for him / her.
Any person breaking the above rules of access will have his / her permit withdrawn.

Any angler convicted in a court of law of any breach of the fishery laws shall not be permitted to fish in company waters. Any angler committing an act or omission which is in the view of the directors is detrimental to the interests of the company, or infringing any regulations of the Foyle Fisheries Act and / or the River Faughan Anglers Limited at present in force or enacted during the season which relate to any fishing or angling right or privilege of fishing or angling which the company may have, hold, enjoy or be entitled to shall have their permit withdrawn. 
Failure to respond to correspondence from the company will be treated as a breach of these rules. 

RFA is a community based company which is not for profits and therefore we do not allow any permit holders to guide for profit on our river. Any permit holder found to be acting as paid guide will have their permit revoked.
Angling will commence at the top of any pool or stream, and each angler shall proceed by moving at least one pace between casts whether during day or night time.
Anglers must not impede or interfere with others by "stepping in" downstream of anglers already fishing. Anglers should avoid cutting across another anglers, wading unnecessarily or causing difficulty to those who are fly fishing or spinning'. Fly fishing shall have precedence over spinning or bait fishing, and spinning shall have precedence over bait fishing.
Bait fishing must allow anglers who are fly fishing or spinning to pass without hindrance.
Bait and spinning methods are not allowed for night fishing. 
Anglers should not crowd or obstruct other anglers near to them on the bank.

FLY FISHING means angling with rod and line (other than a thread line) and one or two artificial fly hooks.
USE OF A CAST ABOVE 6.9kg. (15 lbs) is NOT permitted (see night fishing).
BAIT FISHING means angling with rod and line and one single hook baited with earthworms. The gape of the hook must not exceed 9mm. The breaking strain of the line must not exceed 4.6kg. (10lbs).
GAPE in relation to a fishing hook means the distance when the hook is normally aligned between the point of the hook and the shank of the hook.
SPINNING as for bait fishing except that the gape of the hook must not exceed 7mm.
FISH means salmon trout or rainbow trout.
LENGTH in relation to a fish means the measurement from the tip of the snout to the fork of the cleft of the tail.
SIZE permitted size is 10 inches for takeable fish.
NIGHT FISHING means angling between one hour after sunset (lighting up time) and one hour before sunrise.
FLY FISHING only is allowed during this time subject to the breaking strain of the cast NOT exceeding 3.7kg (8lbs) and that no more than two SINGLE dressed fly hooks of normal weight and spaced at least 0.61 metres (2 feet) apart.

The following are PROHIBITED 
When BAIT fishing:
1. Floats.
2. Prawns or Shrimps.
3. Maggots.
4. Stroke hauling (snatching).
When FLY fishing:
1. Sinking lines heavier than WET CELL 2 or sinking rates higher than 2ins per sec
2. Trebles above no. 8.
3. Swivels or weights.
4. Not moving between casts when others present.
5. Doubles or trebles for night fishing.
6. Stroke hauling.
A single rod and line is only to be used at any one time.

CAMPSIE DAM - from and within the restricted fishing markers at the dam
Right bank (Limavady side) from Campsie dam down t
o Campsie bridge, at night. i.e. No Night Fly from this bank.
Spinning is currently prohibited from Campsie dam downstream to the neck of Killens stream.
N.B. Certain parts of the river may be closed to fishing or a particular type of fishing (e.g. spinning) by decision of the Directors at any time. If in doubt anglers should check to ensure that they are not in breach of any such decision.


To enforce the above rules and regulations with the aim to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all permit holders.


We will consider informal action, where appropriate, to resolve minor issues but permit holders should be clear that any proven formal breaches of rules as outlined for all permit holders will result in the sanction of permit being revoked.
In such cases we will advise you of the nature of the issue and we will give you the opportunity to state your case before any decision is made.
You will be offered the opportunity to meet with directors to state your case. You are free to bring a companion with you to this meeting. We will provide you, where appropriate, with written copies of evidence and relevant witness statements.
If you decline the offer of formal meeting, or do not make reasonable efforts to agree or attend meeting, the directors will make their decision based on the evidence that they have.
Any decision will be notified in writing to the postal address for the permit holder involved that is held in company records.

This notified decision will be final, and no other appeal will be considered.


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