As the season is coming to an end, we remind each permit holder that
you must make a catch return by 30th November.
To make a catch return, please email us on faughananglers@btconnect.com
Include the following details
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Did you catch any fish for 2023 season? YES or NO
If YES please include the follow details for each fish caught Salmon or Seatrout.
Species – Salmon or Seatrout
Weight in Lbs
Method used – Fly, Spin or Worm
Month Fish Caught - April - October
Area of river caught – 1 to 6
1. Tidal -Mouth of River to Pumping station “Gates”
2. Freshwater - Pumping station to Mobuoy Bridge
3. Mobuoy Bridge to 3 Mile Bridge
4. 3 Mile Bridge to Burntollet Bridge
5. Burntollet Bridge to McCandless
6. McCandless and upstream
Returned or Kept / Killed
We remind all permit holders that it is a requirement that a catch return be made, if no catch return made on time, you will be deemed to be in breach of fishery rules and will NOT be able to renew your permit for next year without reapplying.
We would also like to stress the need for accurate catch returns, the data that we receive from our anglers is vital to show the health of the fishery.
So, we ask that everyone complete the return accurately and include all fishes caught.
Failure to do so accurately may result in an angler being in breach of fishery rules.